Miles City is quiet in the morning. The streets are quiet and most people seem to still be asleep. It is rather chilly out and you require a sweatshirt. You eat at a local restaurant and then leave. You leave the sleepy town and it's few residents behind. After you get outside of town you see horses and cattle but no wildlife. The land is yellow with the occasional sagebrush. You drive through many reservations with Crows, Sioux, Kiowa, and Cheyenne. The buildings on the reservations are new but aren't cared for. Horses graze in front yards with the goats and chickens. A dog runs down the side of the highway. The last reservation you go through is the Crow. It stops before you get to Billings. Billings is the largest city in Montana, but it has less than half the population of Boise. You go into town from the desert and sagebrush side and exit town through fields of green crops and yellow weeds. The mixed color of the landscape and its different terrains remind you of FruitLoops. The thought makes you hungry. You make a snack and go back to staring out the window. Green and yellow fields pass by.
Finally, you get to Idaho. You travel down the highway through the farming communities. Nearly every farm has a tractor in the yard. You wind south and the land turns to an ocean of sagebrush. You pass Atomic City and Arco known for the National Nuclear Laboratory. You also pass through Craters of the Moon. The sagebrush grows through ancient lava flows. It is a rough area and many people find it tough to navigate. Many people who try to conquer the land get lost in its maze.
The land starts to get hazy and you start to smell smoke. As you get closer to Mountain Home the smoke has thickened. You can barely see 3 miles. The thinks smell lays heavy on the earth around you. It is a yellowish-brown haze that blankets the land. It is a giant cloud of health hazardous, pollution.
As the sun sets the smoke in the air is given a beautiful red color. The air around you is filled with the final warm orange glow of the day. When the sun's last ray is behind the horizon the stars start to become more visible. You can even tell how smokey the air is when the sky grows dark. You get to your grandparents and decide to sleep outside for the night. A perfect ending for the perfect summer trip. The stars twinkle and sparkle in the sky. The smoke gives them even more colors tonight. A star falls from the sky with a long white tail trailing behind. It is gone in a flash. Nobody else outside with you saw it. It is your own shooting star. A beauty of power, science, and nature.
Final Memoir: I hope you enjoyed my blog. It is important for everyone to remember life goes by faster than a shooting star. Remember the good times, for the cold truth is you will never get them back. Cameras allow us the privilege to capture these moments. People may be frozen in time in pictures, but you are still alive and breathing as you look at them. Hold on to the precious things. And also remember sometimes you have to drop what you're doing and enjoy life because if you don't you are just wasting yours. Take your family and travel somewheres, whether it be 5 miles away to a diner or a fair. Make life fun and always, always remember to laugh.
Finally, you get to Idaho. You travel down the highway through the farming communities. Nearly every farm has a tractor in the yard. You wind south and the land turns to an ocean of sagebrush. You pass Atomic City and Arco known for the National Nuclear Laboratory. You also pass through Craters of the Moon. The sagebrush grows through ancient lava flows. It is a rough area and many people find it tough to navigate. Many people who try to conquer the land get lost in its maze.
Final Memoir: I hope you enjoyed my blog. It is important for everyone to remember life goes by faster than a shooting star. Remember the good times, for the cold truth is you will never get them back. Cameras allow us the privilege to capture these moments. People may be frozen in time in pictures, but you are still alive and breathing as you look at them. Hold on to the precious things. And also remember sometimes you have to drop what you're doing and enjoy life because if you don't you are just wasting yours. Take your family and travel somewheres, whether it be 5 miles away to a diner or a fair. Make life fun and always, always remember to laugh.