Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Ohio River Valley

You wake up to the beautiful sun being hidden away in the clouds like a stolen topaz hidden in a sack. Remembering the flooding yesterday, you are anxious to get out and take pictures. When you get out, you are kind of disappointed. The flooding has receded more than 4 feet overnight. It's good news for locals, but you don't get to take pictures of it at its crest. You walk around the truck stop and take pictures. You spot some fish swimming in the parking lot. You try to get a picture, but they dive under. When you ask someone about the fish they tell you that they have pictures of some. They are catfish and carp. If only you could get a picture of someone fishing in the parking lot.

Your dad drives to the other side of the freeway to eat at a Denny's. Your dad has to fuel so you walk around and take pictures while he is filling up and parking. You fist walk out front to the road and take pictures of the tiny drainage ditch that isn't there anymore. The little creek that runs under a bridge here is above the bridge's bottom. The back parking lot for the semis is half flooded. The parking lot is much more flooded and the water it much more cloudy than the water at Petro. The propane pumps are inaccessible.  You can see where the water level was the night before on the concrete pillars and garbage cans. You leave your camera in the vehicle and go into the restaurant to eat. You have a waitress that is very friendly. You converse about the flooding and the fish in the parking lot across the street. She explains that the flooding occurred because it rained for a full day the day before and caused the pond to flood. You order a meal to share with your mom, pancakes and eggs and a quesadilla. Your dad orders a breakfast skillet. But your sister the weird one of the bunch orders a pizza. The food is very tasty. The pancakes are fluffy and flavorful, unlike some. They have cinnamon drizzled over the top which just adds more sweetness and extravagant flavor.

Leaving with a full and satisfied stomach you walk out of the restaurant and notice a beautiful American flag postcard. You mostly never buy postcards except this one grabs your attention with its patriotic beauty. The sign says it's only 35 cents, which is a decent price for a postcard. You pay for it and walk back out to the vehicle. When you get outside you notice clouds have moved in. They are big, fluffy ones. As you climb in you can feel the change in the atmosphere. It is going to rain. You hit the road before the rain hits.

After you leave all you see is flooded farms and beautiful barns. The waters flood the fields and buildings. The murky water is a silent killer that destroys the crops and buildings. It is sad to see the pending struggles of families. Their struggles brought on by one day of rain.

You see the destruction until you get to Pennsylvania, which is protected from the floods by the hills and mountains. After you pass over the border you see beautiful pastures and green hills absorbed by trees. The beauty is illuminated by the blue sky. Behind you you can see a storm following. The dark gray mass lurks in the western sky like a robber outside a cafe's door waiting until the lights go out.

You stop in Breezewood, PA to take a break and eat dinner. You play a game of billiards with your mom. Of course she wins and you still have three balls on the table. Then you play a game of air hockey with your dad. The air comes on and the puck drops onto the table. You get the first point. Then your dad realizes that the felt is gone from both mallets. This causes both mallets to stick to the table. You both play on. When the game ends the score is 7-5, you won. You have to brag a little about your victory. But you don't overdo it.When you get back outside it is almost dark. But you notice some beautiful cars. The BMW i8 is one of your favorite cars. You go over and look at it and it makes you want one more. The cars' sleek bodys are silver with blue and black accents. A price tag it taped to the window of one. The car is $70,000. The price sours your wants but not the cars appearance. You leave the beautiful cars for the sake of sleep. By now it is dark and you are tired. You climb into your soft, comfortable bed. You don't even notice your face hitting the pillow.

Monday, June 29, 2015

A Little Travelin Does Good

Waking up in Kadoka, SD, you see something you hadn't seen the night before. The sun peeks above the horizon. The sun's rays reach out to everything they can. Some of the rays illuminate a giant metal deer. As you drive by the deer, you read the plaque on its base. The deer's name is "Scrappy the Deer". Every part of the deer from it antlers to its tail are made from scrap metal. It is very impressive that someone can turn old scrap into something big and cool. You stare at it until it is out of view.

You haven't eaten yet, and you do not know this route because your family hasn't traveled it very often. While wondering where you are going to eat, you pass a billboard advertising "1880 Town". It says there is a train diner. Your dad takes the exit and parks across the road. When you pull into the parking lot your mom spots a deer. It is eating the lush green grass, but decides the grass is greener on the other side, so it crawls under the fence.

You walk across the road and see the diner it is a train engine and three train cars from the 1950s. It is obvious that it has sat there for quite a few years with the bright sun beating down on its light blue paint, which has now faded to an almost white color. The entrance building is an old train station. You walk up the ramp and into the train. The inside smells of good food. It is relatively quiet except for some people talking at a table and the food cooking on the stove. When you sit down your sister takes the window seat to stare out. You share an omelet and some tomato juice with your mom. Your sister has a breakfast sandwich and your dad has sausage and eggs. After finishing you look around the antique dining car, you're sitting in. It is easy to imagine it gliding down the tracks rocking back and forth. You exit out the last car and go to the gift shop and entrance to the town. You can't go into the town this time because you don't have enough time. But your mom and you talk to a worker. It sounds like a cool little town. Each of the little buildings in the town have been transported in from all around the state. They are real, old buildings. It's awesome to find out you can even rent costumes. You also learn that this little town is where Dances with Wolves was filmed. And many props from the movie still remain.

You leave the gift shop and walk back across the road. When you get to the passenger side of the vehicle, you spot a doe and her fawn. You grab your camera and take pictures of the sweet, tiny baby drinking off its mom. Another deer, darker than the doe, appears out of another field and starts chasing the doe. When it walks it struts, so you guess it to be a buck. The fawn still has its spots and is this year's baby. The deer disappear into some brush by a pond. It is time to go, so you climb into the vehicle and leave.

Down the road a little ways, you spot some more tornado damage and are able to get some pictures of it. The destruction a tornado can cause is amazing, but many of the places you see are lucky to escape with little damage. Many of the fields are also flattened from rain and wind. It just makes you think about how small you are on this Earth. Soon after seeing the crop fields that were destroyed, you see two giant metal horns peeking above a hill. As you get closer the hill falls and more of the structure is revealed. It turns out to be a giant metal bull head. Why it is there and why it was created remain another mystery in your world.

You're still thinking about that giant metal bull head when you cross into Minnesota. Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes. You pass a couple that you can see in the distance, most are small. But you also see miles and miles and miles of field and fields of corn. The stalks are only about 3 or 4 feet high right now. You have never seen so much green corn fields in your life. You follow the corn fields, even after you cross into Iowa.

It starts getting dark shortly after you enter Iowa. The sunset is pretty, but doesn't compare to very many you have seen before. But every sunrise and sunset is a blessing. There is not much to see in the dark  except for the taillights and headlights of traffic coming and going. Eventually you reach Davenport, IA. You go to the World's Largest Truckstop the Iowa 80 where you crawl into your memory foam mattress and fall into a peaceful slumber.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

There are Risks Involved in Traveling

Your parents wake you up and you really don't want to get up. You could close your eyes and fall asleep instantly, but you don't. You get up and notice the sun has been up for a while. Your parents have been up for a while, doing laundry in the laundromat. You get out and stretch. The air smells like a typical truck stop. The smell of exhaust, diesel, and oil combine. Your parents are out and you help them carry a couple bags into the laundromat.

After you leave the truck stop you enter Illinois. One of the first towns you go through is Moline, IL. Moline is home to the world headquarters for John Deere. The company that produces the green tractors has a distinctive building that was created by the architect of the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, MO. The company is also unique because they have been around for 177 years and the world headquarters are still right here in Moline. You don't stop because you have to keep going. You have to be in Baltimore, MD the day after tomorrow.

While driving along, you see plenty of deer in the fields. Their white flags waving behind them as they hop off into the timber tell you they are white-tailed deer. You also see small and big farms. Most of them have been around for many many years. They have seen the turn of the century and have seen historic storms. But they still stand the test of time.

At about the 112 mile marker, the traffic comes to a standstill. The red brake lights ahead of you, signal you aren't going anywhere soon. You stare out the window at the fields of corn and grain.The lush green fields remind you of your family's old farm in Oregon. It used to be so much fun to play there. You could run through the fields and ride horses. In between fields there are tall oak and gum trees. Their green leaves sit still. They are beautiful trees that make you want to play on a tire swing. Your mind is brought back to the traffic as you start to roll a little. The traffic starts moving a little faster. When you make it a couple miles you see what the delay was. There is a multi-vehicle accident. There are two cars in the ditch and a car and SUV blocking the lanes of traffic on the other side of the freeway. The car and SUV sitting in the road are opened up like somebody took a giant can opener and opened them like a can of sardines. It reminds you of the risks involved in driving. As you pass by you hope everyone was alright. You look it up on the phone and find that there was a fatality. The road has claimed another life. You count the miles of the backup caused by the wreck and it comes out to a total of 10 miles. Eleven miles from the end of the backup, you see another accident. Luckily, this one is just a fender bender between three cars. The front car looks relatively unscathed, but the other two cars have big dents in the red and black bumpers. The black car is the last one and also has a front end that is pretty mashed up but not completely totaled.

The accidents make you think about how precious life is and how people need to enjoy it while it lasts. Any day could be your last. Before you know it you reach Chicago. Chicago is a big city, but it is also very dangerous. You remember when you were here for the 4th of July in 2011. You remember people telling you to only stay on the main train line. When you got downtown you her cops talking to kids and adults alike telling them they are not allowed to wear any gang signs (e.g. Hat sideways or tipped). By the time the fireworks start there are over a million people around you watching. When the display ends there are four cops on every corner and mounted police officers herd people off of the pier like thousands of goats out of a garden shed. It's these little moments that you don't want to miss, and the ones you want to remember forever. You only go around the actual city to avoid traffic, but you can still see the Sears Tower (aka The Willis Tower). The tall skyscraper reaches toward the fluffy clouds like a child reaching for an apple on a tree. Try as it might, it can't reach them today.

The tower fades away behind you into the haze of the city. As you drive along buildings tall and short, old and new fly by. Some are made of red bricks others are made of wood. The buildings start to be noticeably different. Most have chains and gates on the doors and windows. Also, there are fences with barbed wire around buildings. The atmosphere has also changed to be more eery. You have now entered Gary, Indiana city limits. Gary is a very dangerous city. It is the type of town that you keep your car doors locked while driving through it. You don't stop there. The city is not dangerous only because of gangs. It is like a criminals town in the wild west. The average tourist or individual shouldn't go there unless needed. All of the stores lock up as soon as it starts to get dark. The locals lock up, shuts the metal gate over the windows and doors. If you go there at night the streets are abandoned by all smart people. It is one city you are overjoyed to get out of.

You leave the cities behind passing some small ones, but you are back in the country. The beautiful farms are dreamy. The cute little houses with barns and acres and acres of crops. You can see that they have had more than enough rain. Some of the quaint little farms are flooded. Most of the fields you are seeing are flattened and completely ruined by rain. The destruction is going to affect many families. It starts to get dark and a gentle shadow drifts over the beauty and destruction of the land. A little later you enter Ohio. You stop for the night in Toledo, OH. When you arrive at the truck stop you are going to stay at, you see flooding along the roads and in the parking lots of nearby businesses. You pull into the Petro. Part of the parking lot is flooded. In some spots, it's a couple feet deep. You take some pictures and get back in the vehicle. You look at the pictures and think a while before you put your camera away and fall asleep.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Traveling Thourgh Big Sky Country

You wake up in Butte, MT. You stumble inside the truck stop, still groggy. Your family grabs a quick breakfast of scrambled eggs and maple honey bacon and leaves. You take a highway avoiding going through North Dakota. As you travel through Montana, you're awed by its beauty. Multiple times through the state you can see little foals(baby horses) prancing around or sprawled out sleeping.

A little ways down the road. Looking to the right out the window you see the Grizzly Encounters sanctuary.The sanctuary is home to 6 grizzly bears. The bears are very fluffy and look soft. But they carry a sense of danger on their backs. The magnificent creatures are beautiful, but you wouldn't want one chasing after you. Every now and then when you drive by on the freeway you can catch a glimpse of the bears. But today you don't. It must be the heat. Sadly, you don't stop. You must continue on your trip this time.

Later you see towns of Native Americans and drive through an Indian reservation. After you go through Hardin, MT you see people doing a reenactment of the Battle of the Little Bighorn. A couple miles past the reenactment site you can see the memorial and the valley where the battle was fought. It is hard to believe in that little valley a famous and bloody battle was fought which cost the lives of many Americans and Indians. But being able to see a piece of American history is priceless. It defines the country we live in and each piece teaches us about our history and about ourselves. You watch out the window some more and then watch a movie with your sister.

You stop for dinner at a little diner in Broadus, MT. The little diner has been there for years. The last owner was a sweet elderly woman. You walk in and sit down. There are a few locals sitting at some tables on the opposite side of the diner. Your waitress brings some glasses of water. Your mom asks how the owner is doing only to hear she has passed. She explains the diner is still in the family, having been passed to her son. The waitress is nice and your family orders some meals to share. After you're finished, you notice the diner has emptied out and only one couple remains. As your mom pays you head outside with your dad. You read a paper about Native Americans on a billboard and get back inside the vehicle to leave.

You reach South Dakota and the trees seem to disappear. After about a half hour, you and your mom are looking around when you both spot something amazing. There is a grain silo all dented and twisted right next to the freeway. There had been a twister/tornado in this area couple weeks ago. For the next little bit, you continue to spot property damaged by Mother Nature's wrath. There are billboard broke into kindling, granaries torn off their foundation, and semi-trailers flipped upside down. It shows how power storms can be. Sometimes we take nature for granted but this opens our eyes again.

Your dad stops in Rapid City to get fuel and so you can stretch your legs. Your only a couple miles from Mount Rushmore. It brings back memories from being here before. You smile at this thought. You remember the white faces of the historic presidents carved so intracately into that ston bluff. You also remember the sweet smell of spring grass and the mountain goats you saw eating it, right next to the road. Your brought out of your thoughts by your sister telling you it's time to go. You climb back in and hit the road.

You stop in Kadoka, SD for the night. It is dark out and you can see mosquitos hovering outside the windows. Your dad very rarely gets bits, so he goes out to walk the dog. You climb into the driver's seat to look out at the darkness. You see your dad outside swatting at his legs, neck, and back. He comes running back to the vehicle. He just about throws the dog in and you run into the building with him. The mosquitos are like starving piranhas after the only piece of meat. You watch your sister and mom from the vehicle as if a herd of hungry lions are chasing them. You look around and talk to the desk clerk. He explains that the extreme amounts of rain in the area have caused them to be terrible. You run back out to the vehicle two at a time. You hop into your bed and think for a little while until you drift off.

Friday, June 26, 2015

The Unbeaten Path

Waking up early in at the Inn, you see it is dawn outside. The cool mountain air wakes you from your half asleep state. You welcome the smell is of pines, evergreens, and morning dew. The air is much fresher and cleaner on the top of Snoqualmie than in Seattle or any other bustling city. Two stray dogs trot up to you and your dad looking for any suckers to give them food scraps. One looks like a tan border collie the other looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback. The dogs are actually in very good shape. It is obvious they get their fill of scraps. You give them each a bone that your dog doesn't like and they trot off contently.

You go back into the warm, cozy inn and help take things out to the vehicle and get things packed again. You head toward the lobby and notice the wallpaper. It has ducks all over its dark green background. There are large ducks at the bottom and small ducks everywhere else. The wallpaper is accented by wood trimming. The main lobby has a beautiful antler shed chandelier and a beautiful wood panel ceiling.

You hop on the freeway. Semis buzz by, but you see fewer cars this early in the morning. The sun is just starting to peak above the hills in front of you now and the scene is one from a movie. The first rays touch the ground all around you waking creatures big and small from their slumber. You drive on, only stopping at Ellensburg, WA for breakfast. Your sister and mom get the same meal as you-eggs, sausage, and hashbrowns. But your dad gets German sausage, and eggs. The little restaurant is always good and you aren't disappointed when you leave.

You cross into the panhandle of Idaho and stop at a rest area. The views are beautiful and the trees tower above you. When you get back on the road you stare out the window at the magnificent land. This is the part of Idaho people think about when they hear "Idaho". Soon you pass Lake Coeur d'Alene. The sun shimmers on the water. The blue holds your gaze. The water looks so inviting in the 90-degree temperature. You don't remember this part of Idaho, even though you have been through here before. You must have been blind to its beauty but you are now old enough to recognize it. You stare out in awe.

Eventually, you see a sign ahead saying "Welcome to Montana". The beauty of the land crosses the border with you. Nothing stops the beauty of nature. You now start to follow a river next to the freeway. Sometimes it abruptly turns to the left or right, but it returns and you still follow it. Your dad spots an elk drinking the cool water. Next to it in the brush is another one eating.

Down the road a little ways, your mom spots an eagle sitting on the bank. The beautiful white of its head contrasts with the dark brown of its body. A very short time later your dad pulls into a scenic view point/rest area. You are able to see an eagle's nest across the river. You have your Sony so you take pictures of the beauty. But sadly pictures aren't always able to show the true beauty of nature. Sometimes people have to experience it. There is a trail leading down to the river. You follow it down. Your dog races between your legs and beats you to the bottom. It is a steep trail and the sand on it makes it tough to walk down. You walk to the river and its beauty captivates you. The mountains behind it and the water flowing by is the unbelievable beauty of nature many people do not get to experience. Your family takes a walk down the river. You are able to see the eagle your mom had spotted earlier. You take a picture of it as it takes flight. You walk back up the river and find a log to sit on. All of your family take their shoes and socks off and step in. You sister wades in up to her chin. The water is very cool and very fresh. It is glacial water and very pure. Your dog even gets her legs wet. Reluctantly you have to leave so you slip your socks and shoes back on. You take one last picture and head for the trail. You start to climb the trail and it already starts working those muscles you haven't worked in forever. You can feel it when you get to the top. You stretch to prevent from getting cramps, but the climb was worth it.

You travel down the road to Butte, MT where your mom makes grilled cheese for dinner. This is also where you go to bed. You climb into bed and reflect on the day and what you saw. You are never going to forget this. It also makes you think about people who don't travel. Many people take the beaten path through life, but sometimes you have to take a different route. It may be a little rougher, but it could be the most beautiful thing you will ever experience. On this thought, you fall asleep.

Thursday, June 25, 2015


Your dad is driving when you wake up. You look outside to see the world passes by. The tall evergreens and pines to the wildflowers and grass. You pass by Keechelus Lake.  You have seen the lake many times before. Earlier this year the lake was at full capacity and as beautiful as ever. Now though, the beautiful cool blue water shrunk back and revealed the dead tree stumps scattered about. There white and grey appearance of the stumps stick out like blue gumdrops mixed into even more pink gumdrops. The stumps give the lake some character and uniqueness.

You reach Seattle and can see the Space Needle in the far distance. But you aren't going there today. That will be sometime in the future. Today your parents have to go to the port. From the port, you can see Mt. Rainier the highest mountain in Washington and even the largest in the Cascade Range. After your parents are finished at the port you all go to a little burger joint that has very good classic American food. They serve cheeseburgers, hot dogs, corn dogs, onion rings, fries, and shakes. Their food is very good!! The cheeseburgers melt in your mouth and the shakes fill your mouth with joy. They need restaurants like this nationwide. After eating brunch, your parents must go to another port.
You can't see Mt. Rainier from here as much. And then it starts to sprinkle. The sprinkle eventually turns into a rain which is very common in Seattle and to be expected. It also brings to mind an old Native American saying, "If you can see Mt. Rainier, it is going to rain. If you can't see Mt. Rainier, it is already raining."

You can see Mt. Rainier from almost anywhere Seattle and the surrounding area. It's snow topped peak ascending from the rest of the world like a king on his throne. The sun's rays light up the shadows disclosing upon us the secret crevices that are hidden from us most of the time. The beautiful mountain and active volcano show the sheer beauty and power the lord gave Mother Nature.

The Outlet Collection is a mall in Seattle that your family always goes to when you're in town. It has a lot of stores in it and the food court has good food. This is where your family goes after leaving the port. You eat a dinner in the food court which consists of orange chicken, baked ziti, and lo mein. The food is very flavorful and very filling. After eating you go shop at a couple store. Some you just window shop others you try stuff on. You leave with nothing but the meal, but your sister and mom leave with new shoes.

You leave Seattle, running from the sun. The road weaves through the evergreen forests. You climb Snoqualmie Pass. The trees swallow the road ahead. As you climb higher the air becomes cooler. You are near the top and the sun is already behind the hills. You see a sign stating the road is closed due to rock blasting. Because your family does not want to wait for the blasting, you go to the Summit Inn at Snoqualmie's summit. You clean up and hop into the cotton sheet and blankets and fall soundly asleep.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

On The Road Again

The chill of the air is different this morning from the others. There is a higher humidity which causes the cold to stick to you. All you want to do is stay curled up in the warm blankets. But your dog walks on top of you and lays down. She nudges the blanket trying to get you up. You lay there trying to fake you're asleep. She starts to paw you and you reluctantly get up. She stares at you with her beautiful, dark brown eyes. She wants to eat so she sits there staring-waiting. You grab her bowl and get some food. She still just waits and stares. You set it down on the floor and she runs over and starts to eat as if she hadn't eaten in a week.

You go outside your parents are working on getting the remaining items cleaned up and into storage. You help move a table and some barrels out of the way. Now that everything is put away, it is time to say goodbye to everyone. You go down to Whitney's pasture. She is waiting at the fence for you to give her a treat. You bring her a half a loaf of bread. She starts nickering. You give her the first piece of bread. She slobbers your hand up while she devours the bread. You throw some pieces on the ground so she can walk around to find them.

Walking into your grandparents house, your uncles dog runs up to you. You give her a big hug and some pets and she wanders off to go eat. You say goodbye to your grandparents, uncle, brother. Then you slowly walk out to the vehicle and climb in.

After you leave the house you head for your other grandfather's house in Oregon. You watch out the window, trying to spot an animal, but you don't see any except for birds. You arrive at the restaurant and as you turn into the driveway you see your grandpa walking around. He hasn't seen you yet and is actually on the phone with your dad. Your dad tells him to turn around, but he turns the wrong way. When he turns the right way he realizes you are right behind him. You visit with him for a couple hours and then continue on down the road, stopping along the way to visit a cousin you haven't seen in years. While visiting with her you look at some old family recipes that your dad had forgotten. It is like reclaiming an old treasure.

You cross into Washington and the sun is setting. It leaves a fire in the sky, unlike any sunset you have ever seen before. You take your Sony and start snapping pictures. You don't want to lose this moment. Because once a moment in life passes it is gone forever. You can't return to them. All you can do is take pictures and keep the memories that go along with them.

Eventually you stop at a rest area for the night. You claim the last spot there. You are so tired and you feel like you could fall asleep just sitting up. You climb into bed and lay down. You don't notice the deep darkness that surrounds you as you fall asleep.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Sky Is Never The Limit

You wake up, but you don't open your eyes. You can tell the sun is still behind the horizon. Today is the last day to spend with your grandparents before you have to leave, again. At least you got to spend some time with them. You sit up and look outside. The blue-pink sky has a few scattered clouds and there is a breeze blowing. The air is cool but thick with the smell of dust. You slowly and quietly walk to your grandparents house, listening to the early birds singing. As you walk by a blue spruce in the front yard a black starling dive bombs you. It has done this before, so you don't pay any attention to it. It is just a bird protecting its nest. You step inside the house and a blanket of warmth wraps around your entire body. The house is quiet except for the white noise from a fan. You go into your grandmother's room because she is awake. You talk with her for a couple minutes until your mom comes and lets you know it is time to go to town.

Your family goes to breakfast at Merritt's a local diner. You order your meals to go because you're in a hurry. You grab the food and leave. The aroma of sausage and cheese slowly flows out of the togo boxes. You devour the food leaving no trace it was ever around. Now all you have to do is go to a couple stores and appointments.

Later on, around noon, the temperature seems to have sky rocketed. You hear a buzzing like a distant Ducati or a bumble bee. You look skyward and see two(2) small planes in the distance. They are twins with every feature except the paint. As they fly by they stay in the positions next to each other as if they are glued on an invisible string pulling them in a straight line. Never once do they waiver from their positions. You fumble with your camera to get a shot of them as they fly by. The only shot you get is as they leave.

As the sun goes down it starts to cool and the breeze starts to die. But a beautiful sunset is left behind. The blue sky and pink from the setting sun mix to make brilliant colors never before seen on any spectrum. The colors are so vivid as if straight from the heavens. It is very calming and relaxing and makes you realize how tired you are. Maybe you'll have some dreams, maybe you will sleep deeper than that.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day

A cool, wet nose gently nudges your hand and arm. You lift your arm and you dog gently crawls up next to you. She is soft and warm against you. You open your eyes and she her staring at you, letting you know she wants you to feed her. You hear your parents working outside, birds chirping, and a soft breeze blowing across the fields. You feed your dog and go inside your grandparents house. After eating some pancakes for breakfast, you go outside to start your work for the day. It is already starting to get warm out. The forecast said it is going to be 92 degrees for the high.

You work all day helping your parents. And then one of your families friends arrives with his son. You visit with them talking about day to day life. They leave and you are all called in for dinner. Being Father's Day, your grandmother has cooked a special meal. The meal consists of leg of lamb, baked potatoes, gravy, and cauliflower. The leg of lamb is fresh out of the oven and oh so tender. The gravy is some of the best gravy you have had in your entire life. It is made with the juices from the roast. The baked potatoes were cooked perfectly to be soft but don't have a burn
t skin. The meal is very satisfying after working all day.

A little while after dinner you grab some Italian soda syrup, club soda, and your icee maker. You make some Italian soda icees. The cold drinks are really refreshing. After you finish your drinks, it is time to wash your dog. Your brother fills the kiddie pool and you throw your dog in. She starts whining because she doesn't like baths, but you proceed anyways. After washing your dog and drying her you put her inside so she won't get dirty. And then you help your sister fill some water balloons. You and your sister sneak up behind your parents and the balloons start flying. Everyone gets soaked fast. But the water offers much-needed relief from the heat.

It is getting dark now and after a long day of work and play you are really tired. You are a little hungry too. You go inside your grandparents and get a bite to eat and then go out to bed. Another beautiful night under the stars. They all twinkle and you spot some constellations and fall soundly asleep thinking about them.

Happy Father's Day to all of the wonderful fathers!!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

To The Moon

Another beautiful day welcomes you to alertness. The sky is already blue and the piercing sun is above the horizon. Your parents are out taking a walk with the dog and your sister is waiting for you to get up. After all, today you get to see your grandparents for the first time in 3 months! You also get to see your brother and uncle. Your parents get back in the vehicle and you leave for your grandparents. A short time later you see their driveway. Yellow fields of a variety of plants and weeds line the mile long drive. Your dad decides he is going to walk it and asks you if you want to. Sure, why not? Your sister drives the vehicle in and you start out for your leisurely walk. You are almost to the horse pasture fence. Your grandmothers chestnut mare is waiting for you. She has her ears pricked forward and is nickering sweetly. you walk up to her and she reaches her head over the fences to nuzzle you. You walk the rest of the way up the driveway and she follows. Your uncle's Great Dane comes running out to greet you with her whip of a tail going 60mph. Your dog takes off to play with her best friend.

Your grandmother is sitting in the kitchen when you enter the house. You run up and hug her. Then you notice the smell of pancakes. Your mom has made breakfast for everyone. They are your favorite pancakes with the sweet Log Cabin syrup running over them. Then you finish eating you sit and visit with the rest of your family for a while.

When you step back outside it is getting warmer. Your parents and siblings head out to work on getting stuff ready for moving. The sun beats down on everyone only offering some relief when a cloud passes by or you go inside for a drink of cool water. The dogs are running around sometimes getting relief from the heat by playing in their kiddie pool. A little breeze comes up a little around dinner time. You head in for dinner. You enter the house and you can smell the homemade pasta. Your grandfather sets the meal on the table. It is chicken penne pasta with pears as a side. The pears are lightly chilled and the pasta is steaming. The cheese is melted lightly and the noodles are softened in cream of chicken. It is the best meal in almost 3 months.  After dinner, your family sits around and talks. Then you go watch a show with your grandmother and brother.

Later in the evening before the sun starts to set you notice a star. Then as it starts to get dark the moon illuminates to a beauty that you haven't seen in quite a while. You grab your Sony and start taking pictures. Tonight you are going to sleep under the stars. It is a beautiful but very dark night. The moon and stars gently send you into a deep dream filled sleep.

Saturday, June 20, 2015


You wake up to a chill in the air. It is the type of chill that is refreshing, but makes you want to stay in your warm, soft blankets. The sun's rays reach out to you invitingly, helping you to achieve the simple task of getting out of bed. You slip on your clothes for the day and think back to where you and your family stopped the night before. You remember the dry cool air of Rawlins, WY. You look out your window and see the sage green of the sagebrush and the dry yellow weeds that pop up in the spots vacant of brush. You step outside with your dog and go for a short walk. The rock and pebbles crunch beneath your feet, making a sound like someone eating cold cereal in the morning. The dry gives the distant hills a transparent haze.You return to the vehicle and feed your dog, who is bouncing and whining in excitement of the morning meal. You go inside to the restaurant with your family. When you walk through the door, the air is warm and soothing. The smell of pancakes, sausage, and fresh coffee makes your mouth water and you feel like you haven't eaten in 3 days. You order a ham, egg, and cheese sandwich and red skin potatoes. The meal is large enough you share it with your mom. You and the rest of your family, satisfied with the meal, hit the open road. Off to both sides of the road you see antelope. They all have their little minions. The babies run around playing with one another just like little kids.

A couple hours into your trip traffic comes to a sudden halt. Some vehicles turn towards the side of the road to miss the vehicles ahead of them. The traffic crawls a little. About a quarter mile ahead of you, you can see a couple vehicles on the side of the road and some people in the median. All of the traffic is directed into the right lane when you are able to see the cause of the delay. A car is on its roof in the left lane. Belongings are strewn about the road. Then you see the three small kids being led away from the wreckage. Two are walking and the smallest is carried. You think about how that can happen to anyone at any time and how precious life is. Luckily no one was severely injured.

Later on you are almost to Idaho when you see an amazing sight. There is a moose climbing out of a creek. The giant and powerful animal gracefully steps up to show its entire form. The black coat shiny from being wet and its stature so awe-inspiring. Then up the road a little ways you finally see the sign saying "Welcome to Idaho". You're almost to your grandparents, only 5 more hours. you go through Twin Falls and see the beautiful Snake River. The blue water set against the green banks. It looks so inviting in the warmth of the day, but you must keep going.

An hour and a half later you reach the final stop for the night. You will travel to your grandparents in the morning. Tonight you just want to eat dinner and get some sleep. You are at the Boise Stage Stop, known for its very good homemade meals. And although you're hungry you only want something small. So, you order a cheese quesadilla. The melted cheese and warm flour tortilla are very good. You feel full, so you go back out and climb into bed. Your soft bed and warm blankets make you so comfortable you fall asleep almost instantly.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Through These Eyes

On a journey in life, you can see the unique world the lord has given us. When we walk through every day on this planet, we miss the fine art of nature in our footsteps. There are days we miss the flowers, trees, and the beautiful birds. To be in this world and to miss the natural wonders, you have not lived life to the fullest. In order to see the world that we live in we must travel. But I am not talking about just traveling to the grocery store. I am talking about traveling to other cities, states, and countries. Everyone has a journey waiting for them around the next bend.

Our journey will be filled with wonder as you experience the lower 48 states. You will be able to take that trip you have been putting off for the past few years. You will feel the breeze in your hair, touch the floury sand, and listen to the ocean whisper. There are no limits to the mind. Close your eyes and envision the different locations we are about to visit. When you see the wake of the natural disasters that encompass our magnificent land it opens your eyes. The idea that mere days ago while driving across Texas, the flood devastation seen can not be measured by the eye, only by the mind.  The businesses overwhelmed with water, the ceiling a foot from its grasp. The locals in air boats investigating their fields of hay in feet of water. Then the beauty brought by 2 amazing rainbows gives hope to the devastated community.  But further west is California, which is overwhelmed by an excessive drought. You don't understand the world around you until you travel outside your city.