Waking up early in at the Inn, you see it is dawn outside. The cool mountain air wakes you from your half asleep state. You welcome the smell is of pines, evergreens, and morning dew. The air is much fresher and cleaner on the top of Snoqualmie than in Seattle or any other bustling city. Two stray dogs trot up to you and your dad looking for any suckers to give them food scraps. One looks like a tan border collie the other looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback. The dogs are actually in very good shape. It is obvious they get their fill of scraps. You give them each a bone that your dog doesn't like and they trot off contently.
You go back into the warm, cozy inn and help take things out to the vehicle and get things packed again. You head toward the lobby and notice the wallpaper. It has ducks all over its dark green background. There are large ducks at the bottom and small ducks everywhere else. The wallpaper is accented by wood trimming. The main lobby has a beautiful antler shed chandelier and a beautiful wood panel ceiling.
You hop on the freeway. Semis buzz by, but you see fewer cars this early in the morning. The sun is just starting to peak above the hills in front of you now and the scene is one from a movie. The first rays touch the ground all around you waking creatures big and small from their slumber. You drive on, only stopping at Ellensburg, WA for breakfast. Your sister and mom get the same meal as you-eggs, sausage, and
hashbrowns. But your dad gets German sausage, and eggs. The little restaurant is always good and you aren't
disappointed when you leave.

You cross into the panhandle of Idaho and stop at a rest area. The views are beautiful and the trees tower above you. When you get back on the road you stare out the window at the magnificent land. This is the part of Idaho people think about when they hear "Idaho". Soon you pass Lake Coeur
d'Alene. The sun shimmers on the water. The blue holds your gaze. The water looks so inviting in the 90-degree temperature. You don't remember this part of Idaho, even though you have been through here before. You must have been blind to its beauty but you are now old enough to
recognize it. You stare out in awe.
Eventually, you see a sign ahead saying "Welcome to Montana". The beauty of the land crosses the border with you. Nothing stops the beauty of nature. You now start to follow a river next to the freeway. Sometimes it abruptly turns to the left or right, but it returns and you still follow it. Your dad spots an elk drinking the cool water. Next to it in the brush is another one eating.

Down the road a little ways, your mom spots an eagle sitting on the bank. The beautiful white
of its head contrasts with the dark brown of its body. A very short time later your dad pulls into a scenic view point/rest area. You are able to see an eagle's nest across the river. You have your Sony so you take pictures
of the beauty. But sadly pictures aren't always able to show the true beauty of nature. Sometimes people have to experience it. There is a trail leading down to the river. You follow it down. Your dog races between your legs and beats you to the bottom. It is a steep trail and the sand on it makes it tough to walk down. You walk to the river and its beauty captivates you. The mountains behind it and the water flowing by is the unbelievable beauty of nature many people do not get to experience. Your family takes a walk down the river. You are able to see the eagle your mom had spotted earlier. You take a picture of it as it takes flight. You walk back up the river and find a log to sit on. All of your family take their shoes and socks off and step in. You sister wades in up to her chin. The water is very cool and very fresh. It is glacial water and very pure. Your dog even gets her legs wet. Reluctantly you have to leave so you slip your socks and shoes back on. You take one last picture and head for the trail. You start to climb the trail and it already starts working those muscles you haven't worked in forever. You can feel it when you get to the top. You stretch to prevent from getting cramps, but the climb was worth it.
You travel down the road to Butte, MT where your mom makes grilled cheese for dinner. This is also where you go to bed. You climb into bed and reflect on the day and what you saw. You are never going to forget this. It also makes you think about people who don't travel. Many people take the beaten path through life, but sometimes you have to take a different route. It may be a little rougher, but it could be the most beautiful thing you will ever experience. On this thought, you fall asleep.
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