Monday, August 3, 2015

Alligator Alley

You wake up to palm trees swaying in a warm morning breeze outside your window. In the distance you can see some clouds gathered on the horizon. You look out at the city around you. The sun is still rising from visiting the other side of the planet. The city is waking from its slumber and lights start to go on in the houses across the street. Your sister wakes up and you go downstairs and get a bite to eat. You go back to your room and pack your stuff. Your sister brings one of the hotel's luggage carts up. You work together and set everything on the cart and take it down to the vehicle.

You get out of town and take the famed Alligator Alley through the Everglades. You start out only seeing swamp plants. But then you start to see the black water. The suddenly you see it! There is a gator head. Even though it whips by you still saw it! You stop at the rest stops along the way and see even more alligators. Some are rather small but other are big. You learn from a guy at one of the rest stops that you can tell the length of the gator by measuring the distance from its nose to its eyes. That makes most of the gators you saw about 5 feet long. At the last rest stop your dad sticks his fingers in the waters and decides to try and lure one. A 6 ft gator rises to the surface of the water about 6-7 feet from him. You, your mom, and your sister finallyrics convince him to stop. You leave with everyone's fingers intact.

You reach the other end. This end is Naples. A very good place to go to the beach. The sand is soft and the water is warmer than both the Atlantic and Pacific. You stop at the beach for a little bit. You mostly walk along the shore and collect beautiful shells, like conch and pink barnacles. Your sister catches up to you and lets you knw it is time to go. You continue on up the coast riding next the beautiful ocean at times. Pelicans and other seabirds fly around gracfully, looking for food.

The lights of Tampa are bright ahead of you. The air is still warm and the sky is dark. You are very tired after such an exciting day. You know you will get good sleep tonight. You fall asleep to the noise of the city outside your window.

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