Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Prairies of North Dakota

You leave Duluth as the sun rises over the water below. It is an amazing sight, but you are not offered  a spare second for a picture. The sun makes the water turn into liquid gold. The boats turn into black silhouettes as they float on the calm water. You can smell the water on the crisp morning air. It is one of those mornings when you would like to drift like those boats.

Outside of the small, quiet towns, the fields are lush and green. Early morning dew sits in the strands of grass. In almost every field there's a pond. Also along the route you see many lakes. There are also cows or horses in every field. You see farmers working their fields. Some use horses, others use tractors. It is beautiful now, but the winters are harsh and severely cold. The cold seeps into your bones and your nostril hairs freeze together with every breath. Luckily, it is warm and sunny right now.You open your window to the fresh morning air. You're able to breathe easy. The air smells of fresh cut grass and there is even a hint of water.

You make it through MinLittle House on the Prairie.
nesota and into North Dakota. Before you get into the prairie land you must go through Fargo. Fargo is one of the largest towns in North Dakota. The town doesn't have any tall buildings. It is mostly made up of small businesses and homes. After you get out of town the buildings drop out of sight and the prairies begin. The fields are all beautiful. They have tall, wispy grass. The yellow-green fields roll across the state. Trees grow in the ravines and along creek beds. It is like a scene out of

Taken by @american_rugbier
You stop in Bismarck, the capital. You stop at the Space Aliens Grill and Bar. The restaurant is alien themed and has sci-fi collectibles inside. It is really cool and a fun place to eat. In the bathroom, they have posters with an alien photoshopped into a picture with Bill Clinton. Whoever did it made it look very realistic. You grab some food there and stare at all of the toys and figurines. Space ships, rockets, and UFOs of every size, shape, and color litter the shelves. Some are encased in glass boxes, others stand on the top of partitions in the open air. 

When you leave, the UFO is the last thing you see in town. The prairies outside town continue. There are sparse trees and an occasional small herd of Pronghorn. You watch cute, tan prairie dogs scurry about, popping in and out of their ground dwellings. The sights are amazing and look as though they were taken out of a picture book and placed there. As you get close to the state line the fields turn into fields of sagebrush and small trees. The prairie dogs vanish for the evening.

You enter Montana as it starts to get dark. This is about the time the deer come out so you have to be more cautious. You are just about to Miles City when it becomes completely dark. You park in a pull off just outside of town. You walk your dog and you can hear the coyotes howling. Their howls seem excited and gibberish. The moon more than half lit. It emits a soft glow that makes you even more tired than you already are. A soft breeze gently moves your hair. It is cool and smells of sagebrush and dust. 

As you lay in bed in a dreamlike state the smells swirl around you. The gray ceiling dims out and you are out like a light.

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